New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth – Ticket purchase full terms and conditions 

By purchasing a ticket by telephone, in person over the counter, via the website (including Print at Home tickets), or via an authorised New Theatre Royal agency, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

By placing your order, you warrant that all details you provide to us for the purpose of booking, ordering, or purchasing goods or services are correct, that the credit or debit card you are using is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the ticket or service. If there are any changes to the details supplied by you it is your responsibility to inform us.

All tickets are subject to availability.

Terms of Admittance

  1. We reserve the right to make alterations to the published programme and/or cast for reasons beyond its control and cannot guarantee the appearance of any named artist.
  2. We reserve the right to reseat people should the need arise.
  3. We reserve the right to refuse admission or eject patrons in circumstances such as rowdy, nuisance or violent behaviour, without refund.
  4. For the safety of performers and to minimise disruption, latecomers may not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance, this may mean no admission will be possible.
  5. Tickets are not for resale or for profit. Any tickets found for sale on internet sites will be forfeited, the tickets void, and no refund will be given.
  6. The taking of photographs or the making of recordings (on any format) of the Performance is forbidden (unless permitted by the promoter, the venue, and the performer).
  7. By purchasing a ticket, you consent to being shown as a member of the audience in official filming, photography, and sound recording, for instance if the performance is to be televised at a later date.
  8. Where an age guidance for a performance is given, this is the lowest age for which the company suggests their production is suitable.
  9. Pushchairs, Prams and Mobility Scooters will not be admitted into the auditorium and are left at the owner’s risk.
  10. Babes in Arms – Tickets are required even for babies under 18 months; a £1 administration fee may apply.
  11. All children under 14 must be accompanied by a full paying adult while in the theatre (unless with a school group booking).
  12. Leaders of youth groups (including school parties) are responsible for the conduct of their party. The New Theatre Royal accepts no responsibility for the supervision of young people in your care. You must ensure that adequate numbers of supervisory staff accompany the group. The group or some of them will be asked to leave the theatre if the performers or audience are disturbed.

Special Offers and Discounts

  1. Only one discount is available per ticket and proof of eligibility may be required to collect any discounted tickets.
  2. A special offer will not apply to tickets already booked and are not applicable retrospectively.
  3. New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, reserve the right to withdraw or change the terms of any special offers without notice. We also reserve the right to withdraw an offer/discount/promotion at any time.

Ticket Refund Protection

Ticket Refund Protection via Secure My Booking is a product that you can opt in to for a small charge on top of your order.  For more information on what is covered, please see Secure My Booking full terms and conditions.

Please be aware that New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth does not manage the Ticket Refund Protection product and does not deal with any claims. To make a claim click here.

Refunds and Exchanges

  1. Once purchased, tickets are non-refundable except in the case of a cancelled event.
  2. Please check tickets carefully, as mistakes cannot always be rectified.
  3. No refunds will be given except in the event of cancellation of a performance prior to the performance. If an event has been cancelled, the following options will be available to you:
    1. Exchange purchased tickets for another performance of the same show.
    2. Exchange purchased tickets for another performance at the New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth.
    3. Full refund for tickets and other related items included in the order.


  1. If you are unable to attend a performance, we will exchange your tickets for another performance of the same show at the same price of ticket, subject to availability up to 48 hours before the performance. This does not apply for one-night events. Please telephone 02392 649000 or e-mail [email protected] to arrange an exchange. Handling charges of £2.50 per booking will be payable for exchanges (Exemptions include: NTR Friends, Access Members, patrons attending cancelled/rescheduled events, or exchanging for vouchers)
  2. When exchanging tickets: if the new ticket price exceeds the cost of the original order, the remaining cost will have to be paid. If the new tickets are cheaper, the exchange is made with the understanding that the New Theatre Royal cannot refund the difference.
  3. Covid-19: In the instance that the ticket holder has been asked to isolate due to COVID-19, tickets can be exchanged before the performance, or a gift voucher can be issued. Tickets cannot be refunded after a performance has passed.  This clause only applies to ticket purchased prior to 19 October 2021; thereafter Ticket Refund Protection via Secure My Booking is available to add to your booking.

Force Majeure

We shall have no liability to you for any failure to deliver or supply tickets or other goods or services you have ordered, or any delay in doing so; or for any failure to commence or complete any Performance; or for any damage or defect or loss arising from any tickets provided; or the cancellation of any Performance that is caused by any event or circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

Fees and Levies

  1. All ticket prices include a Restoration Levy and Booking Fee.
  2. Items for postage will be charged £2.50 per order.

Data Protection

  1. When making a booking with New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth, your personal information will be stored on the Box Office computer system. By making a booking you consent to your personal information being stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, which is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You will be asked if you consent for your information to be used:
    1. To keep you informed about forthcoming productions or developments at the New Theatre Royal;
    2. To the producer of the show you have booked to see or to other arts organisations for a similar purpose;
    3. By other carefully selected non-arts organisations for further information which may be of interest to you.

When booking, please indicate which options are acceptable to you. This will enable us to process your personal information in accordance with your wishes.

  1. Anonymous customer booking information may be shared with external agencies for the purpose of analysis. The New Theatre Royal will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of data within this process.


New Theatre Royal, 20-24 Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2DD

The New Theatre Royal Trustees (Portsmouth) Limited is a registered charity no. 271976 and is a company limited by guarantee and registered in London, No.1266053. Registered office 20-24 Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2DD.

The New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth T&C last reviewed and revised 19/10/2021