NTR’s CCTV system is in operation at New Theatre Royal only.
There are 3 cameras located in the theatre foyer and stalls ingress and egress corridors.

Footage recorded by this system is stored on a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) that is located within the Theatre Box Office. Individuals that are recorded by this system include staff, audiences, public visitors to the theatre site, visiting artists and visiting contractors.

CCTV footage from NTR’s system can only be accessed by authorised and trained individuals. Access to the CCTV system and recordings is protected, via usernames and passwords. Footage where individuals can be identified will not be shared with another individual or organisation, apart from requests from law enforcement agencies.

Recordings of footage from our CCTV cameras will be kept for maximum of 10 days after which time all recordings will be permanently deleted. Footage maybe retained for longer than 10 days if it has been requested by the relevant authorities as evidence for part of a criminal investigation.

Applications for disclosure of images
Requests are made to:-
Operations Director
New Theatre Royal
20-24 Guildhall Walk
[email protected]

In your request, please outline what data you wish to view and in what format to wish to receive it.

Your request will then be reviewed, and you will receive a reply within 30 days. You also need to provide two official ID documents with your request so that we can confirm your identity.  Our timescale of 30 days to respond to your request will begin once proof of ID is received.


Please see our full CCTV Policy below for further details.

CCVT POLICY See below for a list of available downloads