The Minghella Studio named after and dedicated to the life and work of Antony Minghella CBE, who lived on the Isle of Wight, studied in Portsmouth and went on to have a 30 year career as a director, producer and actor. We aim to use this space to nurture new artistic talent and enable them to produce high quality work.

The Minghella is a creative learning space which forms the heart of the theatre’s rebuilding programme and a permanent legacy to Anthony’s extraordinary creative talents. It will become a centre of excellence for both on and off-stage skills offering new talent, both on-stage and off, the chance to perform and hone their craft. It will deliver formal education, vocational courses and training for all ages, from primary school through to adult learning.

The Studio space measures 12m in width and 10m depth giving a realistic useful working space simulating the theatre main stage. A master grid provides for flown lighting and minor static hangs whilst a 360° tab- track provides black-boxing.

This space can be adapted for projection and training requirements, a dedicated technical box and projection position is also provided along with fully en-suite dressing room facilities.

“We feel sure Anthony would be proud to have his life and work recognised in such a way. He always took every opportunity to encourage and support others in their learning; a really vibrant Creative Learning Space will make a most fitting living memorial to him and especially in Portsmouth where he himself was educated and spent so much of his youth.” – Gioia Minghella